For decades Tea has been consumed widely all across the world. Did you ever imagine that a gram of tea can be more expensive than iPhone? With over 5000 varieties available, there are a few that are more expensive than even gold and diamonds. These teas are exotic teas.

Some of the exotic teas are:
Guayusa is a rare tea native to the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador. It is made from the leaves of a holly tree named Ilex guayusa. It has a high amount of caffeine as compared to other teas. Nearly around 90mg of caffeine per cup which is quite similar to coffee.
It is available in variations like pure guayusa or infused with a number of different flavors. Guayusa tea contains 50% more antioxidants than green tea. It can balance the body’s pH and blood sugar levels, improve the functioning of the kidneys, improve digestion, and lower blood pressure.
Black Forest Cake Pu-erh Tea
It will blow your mind if you love sweets and desserts. It has multiple health benefits just similar to green, oolong, and black tea as it is derived from the same plant. It helps in reducing weight, preventing cancer & has anti-aging benefits.
Mate Tea
Mate teas come from the South American yerba mate plant, which is mainly found in Argentina. Yerna mate is more nutritious than green tea and has been used as a base for herbal medicines in South America for centuries. It contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3), B5, B Complex, and minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc. It is rich in antioxidants too – it’s got about 90% more antioxidants than green tea, enhances your ability to focus, and the chemical compounds and nutrients in mate tea affect your metabolism to make your body use carbohydrates more efficiently.
Salted Sakura Tea

The prettiest amongst all exotic teas is salted sakura tea. Sakura or cherry blossom is the symbol of spring. This Japanese tea is made with dried and salted cherry blossoms. Once you place them in hot water they will “blossom” into a delicate flower.
Insect Poop Tea
Insect Poop Tea might be something odd to hear! But it is one of the most expensive teas in the world actually, priced from $250 – $1000 per pound. It is made with the poop of the insects that eat tea leaves. It appears very close to Black CTC Tea and tastes very pleasant.
Panda Poop Green Tea
Unlike insect poop tea, panda poop green tea is not actually made from panda’s poop. The tea plants are fertilized with panda’s dung. It’s made exclusively in Sichuan. It costs $3,500 for 50 grams of tea.