Do you love Tea? I absolutely love it. And which is why I be very curious to know more and more about Tea. Tea plays a vital role in many cultures. As I keep reading and learning about Tea, I came across some lesser-known facts about Tea.
Here are some lesser-known facts about Tea:
- Today India is the largest producer of Tea. But, tea was found in China and brought to India by the Britishers. Read more about the history of tea here.
- It is the second most consumed beverage after water.
- Black Tea, Green Tea, & White Tea are made from the same Tea Leaves that are from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. The difference between these tea comes from how the leaves are processed.

- Nearly 2,000 Tiny Leaves are used to make just one pound of finished tea.
- Scientifically, Herbal Tea isn’t Tea because it does not contain any actual tea leaves, which is why they are caffeine-free. Herbal Teas are concoctions of different herbs, spices, and other plants, like fruits, flowers, etc. Herbal Teas are also called Tisane.

- Tea doesn’t have an expiry date. Tea usually has a shelf life of six months from the date of picking. After this period, it progressively loses its catechins, a class of antioxidants that represents the reason why tea is considered healthy.
- Tea was once used as a form of currency in ancient China.
- There are more than 1500 types of Tea in the world.
- Tea has more caffeine than Coffee. But if you consider a cup, you use more coffee powder than tea, which is why we consider that coffee has more caffeine.
- The teabag was accidentally invented in 1908 by Mr. Thomas Sullivan. Sullivan was a New York tea importer. He sent out some samples to clients in small sewn-up silk pouches. Thinking this to be a fashionable and convenient way of drinking, they popped the whole thing in a cup! This is how tea bags came into existence.
- Tea was once also used to brew beer.
Weren’t these Tea Facts mind-blowing? If you know any such more facts, you can comment them below.
These facts were amazing. Never had heard about some of those!
Hey Amelia, I am glad you loved reading them!
Yes, I really love chai and one of my favourite masala chai is the mahachai I love there chai so much
Thats nice. I will try it for sure